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Weights and Plates Podcast

Aug 26, 2022

After a detour to discuss the merits of halting deadlifts, Coach Robert and Trent explain the basics of hydration and fluid intake and why it matters for lifters in the gym specifically.


If you're an early morning trainee, there's a good chance you are rolling into the gym not hydrated as well as you could be, and possibly with low blood sugar too. If this is you, it's important to understand that hydration isn't just a function of water intake, it's also dependent on sufficient electrolytes and sufficent glucose, which both help with water intake into your tissues. Moreover, trying to train with low blood sugar will negatively impact your training, affecting your balance and ability to get through hard sets. 


Likewise, alcohol can impact your training and particularly your ability to control your technique, since alcohol is a stressor on the nervous system.


Coach Robert and Coach Trent explain some simple ways you can stay on top of your hydration, improve your morning workouts with a dextrose protein shake, and avoid technique problems by planning your alcohol intake around training.


Weights & Plates:

Robert Santana on Instagram: @the_robert_santana


Trent Jones: @marmalade_cream